A board game night, a young professionals casual kickball game, or a park meet-up for families can all be great ways to meet people in the same place in life as you. Let’s Connect events are for anyone and everyone looking to get connected in community with others!
All of our Let’s Connect events are volunteer-led and our hope is to have events that fit everyone. If you don’t see something that inspires you or you have an idea for something new, we’d love to work with you to get a new group event up and running!
Connect Groups are like small groups at most churches, where 8-12 people meet regularly with a more focused intent. Connect Groups demand a higher commitment level, more vulnerability and intimacy, prayer, and Bible study. Let’s Connect events are low-pressure chances to make connections with others… and mostly for fun!
At Summit, we believe these low-pressure entry points into community can foster new friendships, help create a more unified community, and overall just be a fun opportunity to meet other people who also attend church here!
In short, yes. Anyone can reach out to the Connect Team (find contact information below) and begin the conversation about a new Let's Connect event they’d like to make happen!
However, we do have some guidelines and expectations for our volunteer leaders that will need to be upheld and fulfilled before we put a new event on our calendar.
All Let's Connect gatherings need to go through approval by the Summit Connect team.
We ask that each Let’s Connect leader commit to host a monthly gathering and start with a three-month plan with specific event dates.
Let's Connect events are designed for connection rather than teaching or curriculum. These events can take many forms, such as a game night, movie night, or even a night out at your favorite restaurant!
We require that each event has a designated leader responsible for organizing and leading the event.
Summit provides support for Let’s Connect events through announcements, social media, and print materials.
Events can be scheduled at Summit if there are no prior conflicts, although this is not mandatory.

Have a question about Let’s Connect events or want more information about starting a new event? Reach out to us below!