Marriage Prepare

Your marriage matters to God. Whether you realize it or not, God has a very specific purpose for your marriage. It is our desire to equip you with some basic tools and strategies to navigate the complexities of a marital relationship.

We’ve designed our Marriage Prepare & Enrich course to help you strengthen your relationship and foster relationships with others who are striving for a God-centered marriage. Our Marriage Prep course is currently being offered in a six-week small group format. These small groups will consist of three participant couples as well as one mentor couple who will lead the group utilizing the Marriage Prepare and Enrich Materials. The teachings for each week will be made available via video. Small groups will be meeting at different times throughout the week—you will be matched with the group that best fits your schedule after registering.

During each session, you’ll connect in small groups with a mentor couple who is passionate about preparing others for marriage. They will be there to support you and guide you as you answer the important and often difficult questions about your relationship. Additionally, each session you will hear from another married couple and learn from their experience.

Over the six-week course you will study:

  • Relationship Roles

  • Communication

  • Personal Stress

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Financial Management

  • Personality

  • Couple and Family Mapping

  • Sex and Affection

  • Spiritual Belief

Frequently Asked Questions:

Who is the Marriage Prep course for?
Any couple who is seriously dating, engaged, or newly-wed (less than 1 year).

How often does Summit offer the Marriage Prep course?
Throughout the year.

How many sessions are there in the series?
There are six sessions.

Is it OK to take the course if we know we will miss some of the sessions?
We ask that you not miss more than two sessions in order for you to truly benefit from the material and your group. If you think you may miss more than two, please email us for other options.

What topics do you cover in the classes?
Relationship Roles
Personal Stress
Conflict Resolution
Financial Management
Couple and Family Mapping
Sex and Affection
Spiritual Beliefs

What is the format of the course?
There are two parts to each group session:
- Teaching: You will hear from a married couple in an interview format discussing the current week’s topic.
- Discussion: As a couple you will be assigned to a small group that includes two or three participant couples and a mentor couple. This time is used to learn from your mentors and the other couples as you share your reflections on the teachings and your homework from the week.

How much does the course cost, and what does it cover?
The class costs $100 per couple. The cost covers two workbooks and two assessments.

When do we pay for the classes?
Payment is due when you register.

How do we know if we've been accepted into the course?
By completing the registration and assessment, your spot is held in the course. You will receive confirmation emails after you register and complete the assessment.

If we will be getting married during the course, should we look at different options?
Many couples have gotten married during the course. They usually miss the week of their wedding and their honeymoon, but return to finish the course. If you think you would miss more than two sessions, please email us for other options.

Are couples provided with some sort of certificate at the end of the course that will enable them to get a discount on their marriage license?

What are other options if we are unable to attend the course?
Private counseling or other local churches with marriage prep courses are great options. Please email us for referrals.