

Base Camp is our kids ministry for nursery to elementary schoolers!

In Base Camp, our mission is to partner with parents to inspire their children to find and follow the way of Jesus. 

During Sunday worship services, your child will participate in a small group environment designed just for them. Through fun and engaging activities led by our volunteers and staff, we want every child to experience the God of the Bible and learn about God’s deep love for them and all people.


Nursery & Preschool

What are we learning this month?

In our preschool ministry, kids learn that God made them, God loves them, and Jesus wants to be their friend forever.

This month our preschoolers will learn that God is always with them. Wherever they go, whether it’s to the park, to school, or to a grandparent’s house, they can trust that God is there too.



What are we learning this month?

This month we are focusing on the fruit of the Spirit of self-control. It’s not always easy to choose to do what is best and demonstrate self-control. It takes practice and, thankfully, we don’t have to learn it alone. When we follow Jesus, we have his Spirit to guide us and help us. Our desire is for kids to understand that as they learn self-control through the Holy Spirit, they will see their faith grow and transform as well.

Base Camp Live!

BCL is a monthly 25-minute family production following Sunday morning worship services. It's a high-energy live show followed by a time of family connection designed to help your family grow together in the ways that matter most! 


We have an incredible team of volunteers who are passionate about using the arts to bring biblical stories to life in creative new ways to create original musicals for all families to enjoy! Some have even been featured at Orlando’s Fringe Festival!


Have a heart for working with kids?

Our Base Camp Volunteer Team serves in a number of ways on Sunday mornings. From checking families in, to rocking babies, to singing and dancing, to teaching kids about God, we have something for everyone!


Have a child who is interested in baptism?

Elementary-aged kids participate in baptism during our two yearly Baptism Events. Prior to being baptized, kids are required to complete Why Believe, a class on baptism for kids. We also do Infant Baptisms and Dedications twice a year as part of our Sunday worship services.


  • Yes! We have preschool and elementary videos posted weekly. These videos are the same lessons being taught on Sunday, so it’s easy to catch up! Each video also has an activity guide you can use together as a family.

    Weekly Videos & Resources

  • Screening is required prior to serving for all volunteers who work directly with minors. Each volunteer is required to complete an application, provide references, and pass a background check.

    Each time a volunteer serves, he or she must check in at a kiosk that records their attendance as well as generates a volunteer sticker. Volunteer stickers will include the area of service, date, and time. Volunteers must wear this printed sticker at all times while serving.

    Children’s ministry volunteers are asked to wear their Base Camp-issued t-shirts and volunteer stickers to serve as identification for caregivers.

  • Each family will receive a sticker for both the child and a parent/guardian. The child’s sticker will include an ID number that corresponds to the ID number on the parent/guardian sticker. As each child leaves, a staff member or volunteer verifies that the child’s and parent/guardian’s ID numbers match.

  • Each area of Base Camp has a fire evacuation plan in place, and staff and volunteers are all trained in evacuation procedures. Each classroom has an evacuation map posted on the exit door for easy access as well as readily available equipment to safely evacuate the children based on their developmental levels (wagons or rolling cribs are stocked in infant and toddler classrooms, and walking ropes in preschool classrooms). In the event of a fire evacuation, children will not remain in their classrooms awaiting parents/guardians to pick them up—all children will be evacuated by staff and volunteers to ensure all children are evacuated quickly and safely. Parents/guardians will be able to meet their children outside and use their matching ID numbers to pick them up.

    Staff and volunteers are also trained in lockdown and active shooter protocols specifically designed for each individual area of Base Camp. If you have questions about these protocols, please feel free to ask your location’s children’s ministry staff.

  • For the well-being of all, sick children should not stay in Base Camp. We greatly value presenting a clean environment to children and their parents. This includes protection from sick children, sick adults, or dirty surfaces and toys.

    All toys and surfaces are wiped down and disinfected in between services.

  • We are equipped to provide buddies for kids in our inclusive classroom environments as needed to make sure children of all abilities can enjoy Base Camp. A sensory-friendly classroom is also available at the Orlando Location. We would love to work with you to make sure Summit is a place that is safe and enjoyable for your kids.

  • Yes! If you would prefer your child not to have the provided snacks, let the classroom volunteer know, and we can make sure they have snacks provided from home. When you check your child in for the first time, we will ask you to list any food allergies. These allergies will be printed out on your child’s name tag each week, so staff and volunteers can take extra care that your child remains safe. If you learn of a new food allergy after your initial check-in, please let a staff member know the next time your child is dropped off so the allergy can be added to your child’s name tag.

  • Female staff and volunteers over the age of 16 are permitted to change diapers. Female staff and volunteers over the age of 11 are permitted to take children to the restroom. A volunteer is never allowed in a bathroom alone with a child with the door closed. Our training includes that volunteers should prop the door open, encourage children to do as much as they can for themselves and assist children with their clothing in the open doorway if they need help before they go into the restroom.

  • Our volunteers and staff do not administer medication. If your child needs medication during service time, you are more than welcome to return to your child’s classroom to administer it. Just let the volunteer in your child’s classroom know when to expect you.

    How will I know if my child needs me?

    If, for any reason, a parent/guardian is needed during service, iPads at the front of the Sanctuary will display the three-digit ID number matching the child’s security tag that the parent/guardian received during check-in. This informs the caregiver that the Base Camp staff is requesting that a parent/guardian come to the Base Camp entrance to check on the child.

    In the event of a medical emergency, EMS will be called first, and you will also be notified via the iPads that you are needed to assist your child.

  • Yes! Just look for the sign that says “Mother’s Room”. This is a quiet room for mothers of infants and is equipped with a live feed of the worship service. It is available just outside of the Sanctuary, at both the Orlando and Lake Mary locations.

Have any other questions we haven’t answered? We’re happy to help!

Meet the Team!

We would love to answer any questions you have about Children’s Ministry.

Doris Herrero

Orlando Children’s Ministry Director

Lindsey Stanley

Lake Mary Children’s Ministry Coordinator

Quarterly Newsletter

We send our "Happy Mail" out quarterly to let you know what's going on in Base Camp and highlight our favorite resources to help you lead your family well.

Base Camp Blog