Honest to God
Prayer is talking to God. Prayer is being grateful to God. Prayer is bringing requests to God. Prayer is being honest to God. When we pray, he invites us to put our hope in him. When we seek clarity, we are often met with conviction. When we are honest to God, we come to him with sincerity, trust, and confession. Let us pray with the belief that he is holy and who he says he is—God in heaven, mighty to save, with the power to bring redemption and joy into our lives. Let us approach him with the belief that his kingdom really is coming—on earth as it is in heaven. Let us pray with confidence in his forgiveness and goodness—the confidence that he has our good in mind! When we pray, let us be honest to God.
God the Father
1 OF 3
JANUARY 10, 2021
On Earth as It Is in Heaven
2 OF 3
JANUARY 17, 2021
Forgive Us Our Sins
3 OF 3
JANUARY 24, 2021