Welcome Aboard

I hate flying. I’d rather take a road trip. When I drive, I feel in control. When I get on a plane, anything could happen. The plane could just fall out of the sky. Sometimes trusting God is like getting on a plane when I have no idea where it’s going.

I don’t want to fall out of the sky. And so I grab onto the steering wheel as if I’m in control, thinking that it’s my place to dictate what happens. But sometimes, I have to realize that I am not in control.

If I had to pick one thing that’s been the most constant in my life, it’s that nothing starts happening until I give it to God.

It’s scary to trust in his timing. I can be a very anxious person (hence the fear of flying). I like to know what will happen. I like to have things planned out and know where I’m going. When I get anxious, I believe the lie that I am in control—I believe it because it’s scary to realize that I’m not. I know to trust him, but it always takes a while to check my baggage, get on the plane, and actually say, “All right, I trust you, God, to save me from this free-fall of doubt and stress.”

A friend invited me to come to church with him. I had mentioned I’d visited a few different churches and never really felt like I could call any of them home. So one Sunday morning in 2016, I walked into Summit with him, grabbed a coffee, sat in an old movie theater seat, and thought, Yeah, this place.

I attended Summit for about a year and a half before considering becoming a partner. There was no specific reason for waiting, so after hearing about an upcoming class during service, I thought it’s probably about time. Summit is my church home, and I had no excuse to keep me from getting on that plane of trusting God and going all-in at Summit.

And sitting with others in the class, I was solidified in my decision to call Summit home. I got coffee (of course, even though I was at an evening class) and heard about the history, structure, and values of Summit. I appreciated the authenticity from both the church leaders and other attendees of the class as questions were asked and discussion began. By the end of the class, I left with a pretty cool booklet of info and a new peace of mind knowing that I officially had a church home.

Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.

— MATTHEW 7:24-25

It’s still scary to trust God sometimes. Committing to be a partner at Summit doesn’t mean my relationship with God is perfect and life is super easy now. There’s no switch on the control panel that makes everything great; there’s no autopilot. But I can sit knowing that he is for me and never against me. I can give knowing that he will do great things. And I can serve knowing the God I serve saved me despite all the places I fall short.

When it’s hard to trust God, I need people to remind me it’s OK to get on this plane because even if the destination is not what I’m anticipating, it will be the best place for me because it’s where God would take me. I’m no longer free-falling but landing safely on the solid rock of Christ.

For me, being all-in as a Summit partner means knowing I have the greatest cheerleaders in my corner while committing to trust God in all aspects of my life. It means stability as I navigate any circumstance I did not expect. I have no reason to slip into my perpetual free-fall of doubt. I know the entire Summit family is standing with me on that solid rock of trust. It’s hard to get on that plane of the unknown, but it will be worth it when it lands. I stand with community and encouragement and that reassuring light that says I’m free to roam about the cabin.

If you consider Summit your church home and haven’t been to Partnership Class, join us for any of our upcoming dates. In this class, you’ll learn more about Summit’s vision and values and find out what it looks like to commit to being all-in around here.

Lauren Margheim is the content coordinator here at Summit. Basically that just means she writes or edits all the words. She loves coffee, Disney, science fiction, and writing in third person. You can email her your Star Wars theories, any coffee shop recommendations, or if you’re interested in writing.