Global Partnerships: A Conversation with Children of the Nations

We’re continuing in our series of updates from our global partners and what’s been in store for them throughout 2020.

This check-in takes us to Malawi with Children of the Nations, which has a stated vision of “raising children who transform nations.”

In the interview, Lake Mary Campus Pastor O.J. Aldrich, who has been to Malawi numerous times, talks with COTN staff members, Pike Kaminyoghe and Cheryl Cutherbertson. Pike works as the village partnership program and venture coordinator in Malawi, while Cheryl works Stateside as the director of sustainability and engagement.

Prayer Requests from Pike and Cheryl:

  • Thank God for the low COVID case numbers in Malawi so far, and that there have so far been no cases or deaths among COTN Malawi’s communities

  • That COVID cases continue to go down in Malawi

  • For businesses and schools to effectively navigate the restrictions in order to continue operating safely

  • That students would be comforted in their uncertainties as they return to school

  • That students, teachers, and school staff would be mindful of the new safety precautions in place

  • For protection—”divine immunity”—against the virus, especially for those who come in contact with it

  • Impact of critical Venture Teams not traveling this year, especially medical teams, that children in the program can access the care they need


Thanksgiving: an Interview with Elizabeth Cronlund


Global Partnerships: A Conversation with Africa Windmill Project