Global Partnerships: A Conversation with Children's HopeChest

We’re continuing in our series of updates from our global partners and what’s been in store for them throughout 2020. This week we learn more about our partnership with Children’s HopeChest, which works to support orphaned and vulnerable children and communities in multiple countries.

Through their community-to-community partnership model, we partner with one of their specific CarePoints in Ethiopia, called I Care for the Nation. Summit and I Care have been partnered since 2013 and continue to learn from each other and deepen our relationship together.

In this interview, Summit partner Betsy Karunanidhi reconnects with Ayni Maru after her visit to Ethiopia in 2019. Ayni shares about her role as founder and director of I Care, what ministry looks like for them, how we can pray, and how we can continue to support them moving forward.

Prayer requests from Ayni:

  • That I Care for the Nation would be able to support poor and vulnerable people in their community

  • Support for the youth empowerment program

  • That young people facing COVID and joblessness could acquire proper training and secure gainful employment

  • For doors to open in rural areas to grow their programming in support of farmers, youth empowerment, and educational initiatives

Other ways you can get involved:

  • Be a volunteer with I Care in Ethiopia. Opportunities range from one month to two years, and you can contact us to inquire more.

  • Sponsor a child at I Care here.


Now You See It


Worshiping God in a New Normal | The Vision, Part 5