Providing Care, Love, and Hope

2020 has not gone as planned for most. That is an understatement, I know, but for many of us, this year has left us uncomfortable, uncertain, and anxious.

There are feelings and realities that we all share. Yet, for many in Central Florida, 2020 has led to catastrophe. Prior to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Orlando ranked last in median income in major cities in the United States.

What does that mean?

That means that there are hard-working people in our city who are working one, two, or maybe three jobs but can’t provide for their families. Prior to COVID-19, there were 450,000 people in Central Florida who lived on less than $25,000 per year. Prior to COVID-19, one in four children in Central Florida were born into poverty.

That was prior to COVID-19.

Since March, many of the jobs—particularly in the entertainment-driven economy of Central Florida—have gone away, and our region currently has one of the highest unemployment rates in the state.

Things have become more difficult for those of our neighbors who were already struggling. 

Into these difficult circumstances steps United Against Poverty (UP Orlando), this year’s Christmas Eve offering recipient. Every year, we choose a local or global organization to whom we give the entirety of giving collected at Christmas Eve services. We have also partnered with UP Orlando for years because they are at the forefront of helping families in need in Central Florida.

Serving 500+ people per day through a discount grocery store and through providing access to health care, mental health counseling, job support, housing support, and other vital services, UP Orlando is stepping in to help our neighbors who may find themselves in the toughest season of their lives know that what they are experiencing is not a destination and to help them move toward financial self-sufficiency.

And since COVID-19 hit, their request for services has tripled. They need help to care for the vulnerable among us.

In a year that has been uncomfortable and uncertain for all, let’s not forget to love as Christ loved and notice those that can easily go unseen.

Our neighbors need our help. That is why I believe it is a privilege to partner with UP Orlando for this Christmas Eve offering, and I ask that if you are able, consider giving generously to help them provide more care, love, and hope.


There Is a Firmer Foundation


A Year of Hope