Thanks, Daniel Tiger

I don’t know about you, but I tend to say a lot of the same things over and over again in my house. Please pick up your toys. Be kind to your brother. Walking feet, please.

My boys, who are 4 and 2-years-old, are big “Daniel Tiger” fans. Let’s be honest, so am I! We often repeat those sing-song phrases like "When you feel so mad that you want to ROAR, take a deep breath, and count to four," or the always helpful "Clean up, pick up, put away, clean up everyday.” The list goes on when it comes to helpful phrases from Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood. But what about phrases that are special to our family that speak to our kids’ hearts? Something we say to our boys when reminding them to make good choices is simply "You are a Culver, and Culvers are kind." We've said it so much that our oldest will finish the sentence! 

These phrases that seem like small parts of our everyday life are actually really important habits that have a great impact on our little ones. What we have a habit of saying as parents can help them manage their emotions, learn a new skill, or build their character. What we say and do matters! 

I love gleaning little tips and tricks from other parents along the way. So, I reached out to some fellow Summit parents to find out what phrases they use in their households. What they shared with me is absolute parenting GOLD. A friend of mine told me that whenever she shares a life lesson or fun fact with her kids, she follows it up with “write that down!” Trust me, you’re going to want to write these down...

Words To Guide How We Treat Others

  • When we talk to others: "Build up (and don't tear down)."

  • “We love ____ because ALL ARE WELCOME.”

  • “Be kind. Be a listener. Be a good friend.”

  • "We are strong AND kind."

Words to Teach Responsibility and Regulate Emotions 

  • “Patience is waiting with a happy heart.”

  • When borrowing something or picking up after ourselves: "We leave it better than how we found it."

  • “We’re a problem-solving kind of family.”

  • To curb the whining: “Your voice is strong and powerful, let’s hear it!”

  • When kids are having trouble saying how they feel or what they need: “Use your words.” Or "Do you need help with the words?" 

  • "Sad, mad, or scared are okay. Mean is not."

Words of Encouragement 

  • “You are more than enough, for the Lord says so.”

  • “You are not your sin. You are a child of God.”

  • “I love you no matter what.”

  • “It isn’t so much what’s on the table that matters, as what’s in the chairs.”

Words to Connect 

At the dinner table, before bed, or in the car…

  • “Did anything hard happen today that you would like to talk about?”

  • “Did anything awesome happen today that you would like to tell us about?”

  • “What were you grateful for today?”

  • “What are you looking forward to?” 

I know I will be adding some of these phrases into our daily routine over at the Culver house! What about you? We’re all in this together, parents. As we speak these words of encouragement and guidance to our kids, we’re also speaking truth and life into our own hearts. We need little reminders, too. My 4-year-old knows this, which is why he’ll sometimes reach out his sweet little hand for mine and say “enjoy the wow that’s happening now.” Thanks, Daniel Tiger. 

Lauren Culver is the Children’s Ministry Director at our Waterford campus. For more parenting gold, reach out to her at


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