Living Hope
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Living Hope

We can’t control the masses, we can’t control a pandemic, we can’t control others, and we are spinning to grasp onto something. It doesn’t have to be that hurt, habit, or hang-up. We can control what we reach for—even though no one is looking. Maybe you reach for your Bible, maybe you reach for your phone (not to scroll the news or social media but to FaceTime a friend or send a nice text to someone else), maybe you reach for help, maybe you reach for community.

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Insights Summit Church Insights Summit Church

This Hope

A few summers ago, one of our pastors posed the question: “If you never get __________ (fill in the blank with your heart’s deepest desire), is Jesus still enough?” I sat there in the Herndon Sanctuary with sad, mad tears streaming down my face because I knew my answer to that question was no. I knew deep down that my hope was not in Christ alone.

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