Measured In Stories
Lake Mary, Latest Post, Orlando, Riverside, Stories Summit Church Lake Mary, Latest Post, Orlando, Riverside, Stories Summit Church

Measured In Stories

From volunteering to giving to praying, partners at Summit have made an impact on our church, our community, and our world. When it comes to being the hands and feet of Jesus, we all know that sometimes the impact of our time and resources is best measured, not in numbers or statistics, but in stories. So we invite you to take just a few minutes to join us in celebrating some of the ways God has been working over the last several months through our church family.

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Stories Summit Church Stories Summit Church

True Love Shown

Shanon and Alejandro have worked in the arts for many years. When they felt the call to share the love of Jesus through dance at the Fringe Festival, they asked several in their church community to be a part of such a show. Through the hard work and many hours interpreting the story of “The Light Princess,” they knew it was worth the effort because it was a show that glorified God.

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