Summit Students in the DR
Recently, we caught up with Chad Buel, Summit Lake Mary Student Minister, to get the scoop on Summit Students’ latest trip to the Dominican Republic. For years, our brave Student leaders have been taking groups of High Schoolers to Barahona, DR, to serve alongside our friends at Children of the Nations (COTN)—one of Summit’s strategic global partnership organizations. Chad said this particular trip was special, though.

Building Hope
God has given me hope for Summit Orlando because I know young people who are thoughtful, insightful, passionate leaders, and we get to build this expression with them.

Cherishing Our Tribe
Alongside seven bright girls and two incredibly wise leaders, I learned (or at least took a stab at) what it takes to thrive in a family, and how to follow God’s commandments regarding honoring mine.
Author of Our Stories
The Edge Retreat was all about identity and why it’s important to tell your story truthfully. So after the retreat, we asked the students how they would introduce themselves to the author of their biography and what it means to them to know that God is the author of their story.
And this is who they are.