Engage as a Summit Partner
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B.L.E.S.S. Daily
B.L.E.S.S. is a trusted approach to ministry used by churches nationwide. The pastors who developed this five-step model wanted to create a more organic way to share and live out our faith. We encourage our congregation to practice the B.L.E.S.S. model within the community God has placed each of us in.
This is simply an all-call to intentionally think about and pray for the people God has placed in your life. Pray for those close to you, those who have had a tough break recently, maybe those who have made bad decisions, and even those who are hard to love. The names that come to mind could be “your four.” Some of these names might even be great people to practice B.L.E.S.S. with.
As stated in the Great Commission, we want to reach the nations with the hope of Jesus. We encourage you to invite your friends and family into relationship with Jesus. Whether that includes inviting them to church, to your connect group, or into a conversation about your own relationship with Christ, we encourage our partners to carry an outward focus.
Connect Deeply
We encourage our partners to take part in Summit Connect groups because community is core to the identity of the Church. Connect Groups are typical small groups that meet at different places and times, coffee shops, in homes, or on-site at one of our locations. If you are currently not in a Connect group, we launch groups in the Fall and Spring through Rooted.
Rooted is a 10-week experience that focuses on seven different rhythms, including daily devotion, prayer, repentance, serving, generosity, sharing your story, and worship. Each of these spiritual disciplines can be found in the earliest descriptions of the church, and at Summit, we believe they’re still just as important for us today.
Give Generously
We regularly challenge our partners to give generously, recognizing that God has allowed us to use our temporary and finite resources to build his infinite and eternal kingdom.
When we’re faithful with what God has given us, we step into his restorative work in our world. In our offering, we express both a grateful response to the immeasurable gifts Jesus has given us and an understanding that our generosity is vital to furthering God’s kingdom.
THE 15%
Summit’s leadership prayerfully allocates funds to the ministry areas God has called us toward. Early in our history we also committed to sending 15% of all giving to meet needs outside the church. We have a Missions and Giving Team that helps direct these resources.
Transparency is a priority for us. If you’d like to view a copy of our current budget, just ask!
We give recognizing that God has given us the opportunity to use our temporary and finite resources to build his infinite and eternal kingdom.
Checks can be made out to Summit Church and mailed to the Summit Church Office at the address below.
Summit Church
735 Herndon Avenue
Orlando, FL 32803
Text the word SUMMIT to 45888.
Serve Selflessly
Be a part of someone’s story.
Are you interested in stepping up to use your God-given talents to volunteer here? There are countless ways to come alongside one another—and become the hands and feet of Jesus—in service: brewing coffee, running lights, caring for kids in Base Camp, and more. Whichever type of volunteering you're wired for, we want to help you get plugged into an area where your interests and talents can be used!
As a church, we are committed to supporting the systems, structures, and relationships that reach and serve vulnerable children in our city. We take a multi-generational approach of involvement and advocacy to help children and students in our community. We are doing so by serving those involved in the Foster Care System and local schools.
We aim to support organizations already doing God-honoring work by assisting with the services they offer through our time and resources. Locally, we primarily serve through Care Communities, Local Schools, and Foster Care and Adoption.
We desire to partner with churches around the world that are doing God-honoring work and caring specifically for vulnerable children and families.
From our church’s founding, we’ve felt called to be impactful not only locally but globally as well. We partner with wonderful organizations, churches, and missionaries to focus on the most vulnerable in our global communities.
Being cultural outsiders, we don’t presume to be experts. For this reason, our strategy as a church is not to start brand new poverty-alleviation initiatives but rather to partner, in humility, with local leaders already doing good, God-honoring work in their communities.
How We Serve
Being cultural outsiders, we do not presume to be experts on how to do this work well and recognize the potential for unintentional harm. For this reason, our strategy as a church is not to start brand new poverty-alleviation initiatives but rather to partner, in humility, with local leaders already doing good, God-honoring work in their own communities.