Global Partnerships: A Conversation with World Relief

We’re continuing in our series of updates from our global partners and what’s been in store for them throughout 2020. This week we have the opportunity to hear from our friends at World Relief.

World Relief is a global organization that empowers local churches to serve the most vulnerable in their communities. Since 2013, we have partnered with them in Malawi.

Today’s interview is led by Summit Teaching Minister, Kailey Newkirk, who has been to Malawi numerous times, including most recently with World Relief. She spends time talking with Senior Vice President of Strategic Engagement, James Misner, and Director of Strategic Partnerships, Lauren Allgood.

After hearing this Stateside update from James and Lauren, we invite you to hear directly from the Malawi Country Director himself next month. Gibson Nkanaunena will lead this live update from Malawi and we would love to invite you to listen in. Registration details are below.

Prayer Requests from Lauren and James

  • For the World Relief Malawi staff to be able to continue trainings for church pastors in safe and effective ways that mobilize the church to care for the vulnerable in their communities

  • Protection against COVID-19

  • Comfort and strength for churches feeling fear during this time, that they would be able to trust God and his provisions through World Relief, their churches, and communities

  • For Gibson and his staff to have wisdom, discernment, and encouragement as they lead and adapt during this time

Other Ways You Can Get Involved

  • Join us in financially supporting the work of local church empowerment in Malawi (Email us for more information).

  • Join a live call to hear directly from Gibson as he shares an update on this year’s work in Malawi and casts vision for the year ahead. The call will be on Friday, November 6th at 9 a.m. eastern time. Registration is free—just provide your name and email here to get a Zoom link for the call.


The Family I Imagined


An Outstretched Hand | The Vision, Part 4