COVID-19 Update: What Phase One of Reopening Means for Summit

As Florida enters phase one of reopening, I want to give you a quick update as this pertains to our thoughts and plans moving forward.

Our posture throughout this season has been to follow our local leaders, act wisely, lead by example, and do our very best to fully engage in living out Summit’s vision in whatever environment we find ourselves in. We will continue to forge ahead with these as our priorities. We will also continue to make changes as often as is helpful and necessary to love and serve each other and our city well.

Here are some of our phase one plans thus far:

Worship services will continue to be available exclusively online during the month of May. We always seek to have the best content and environment for our worship gatherings and we believe that, for now, the best environment for both quality and comfort is in small home gatherings. With the guidelines for gatherings of up to 10 people, we are encouraging those who feel comfortable and are able to host church gatherings in their homes and to participate in the online services as a small group of friends, family, or as a Connect group.

Summit facilities can be used at the discretion of campus leadership for church-related gatherings that are able to adhere to local guidelines for gathering size and social distancing. Campus- and ministry-specific leaders will be organizing such gatherings and helping to determine which can proceed under those guidelines. If you have any questions regarding this process, feel free to email your campus pastor.

Other opportunities are being considered for how we might create different ways to engage as a church family during phase one of reopening, and we will keep you updated if and when any of these are able to proceed moving forward!

Remember that we have established a bridge grant to help with needs for those in our church family who are in economic hardship due to COVID-19. If you have needs or know of others in our church family who do, please make use of the COVID Bridge Grant here

The big priority this week is niceSERVE! With the onset of phase one of reopening our community, I can think of no better way for our church to get back out there than to go serve. You can see projects and ideas at I hope you will join us to serve our city, and let us know how it goes by tagging us on social media!

Thank you for continuing to be the Church with us.

If you have any questions, please email us!

For campus-specific questions, please contact your campus pastor!

Herndon Campus Executive Director Tracy Beeson

Lake Mary Campus Pastor O.J. Aldrich

Waterford Campus Pastor Garry Abbott

John Parker is the lead pastor at Summit Church. He enjoys woodworking and boats and dreams of building his own boat in the coming years.


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