Grow Our Hearts: Prayers for the World
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Grow Our Hearts: Prayers for the World

We are beginning a monthly element in our worship services that we are calling “prayers for the world.” This communal time of guided prayer during our worship services will be intentionally built to have us pray for the things that hit close to home for us as well as the things that hit close to the home of another—to pray for the daily bread of another even as I pray for my own.

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COVID-19 Update: Local Requirements and Summit’s Precautions
Updates Summit Church Updates Summit Church

COVID-19 Update: Local Requirements and Summit’s Precautions

We want to be sure you’re made aware of how changes to local requirements and mandates related to COVID-19 will affect Summit worship services. As precautions change for in-person services, we recognize that there will continue to be a range in comfort levels in regards to attending services. Every week we have means for people to join together in worship that range from indoor, in-person services to gatherings that meet outdoors to our online service available for you to use in facilitating your own worship gathering and each of these environments represents good and right ways to gather in worship.

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Summer in Psalms Reading Plan
Resources Summit Church Resources Summit Church

Summer in Psalms Reading Plan

Along with preaching on various psalms this summer, we’ve come up with a 10-week reading plan in Psalms. Psalms is broken up into five books, and we will spend two weeks reading selected psalms from each book. Many biblical scholars find each book has a guiding theme. We’ll be reading one psalm a day for five days per week, and you can find the list here!

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Updates Summit Church Updates Summit Church

COVID-19 Update: What Phase One of Reopening Means for Summit

As Florida enters phase one of reopening, I want to give you a quick update as this pertains to our thoughts and plans moving forward. Our posture throughout this season has been to follow our local leaders, act wisely, lead by example, and do our very best to fully engage in living out Summit’s vision in whatever environment we find ourselves in. We will continue to forge ahead with these as our priorities.

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Insights Summit Church Insights Summit Church

A New Way to Worship

There is so much bad news being circulated in this season, but this—that church can still happen—is really, really great news. There are still opportunities to fight to hope. There has always been, and will always be, good news circulating in every season.

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Insights Insights

A New Way to Worship

There is so much bad news being circulated in this season, but this—that church can still happen—is really, really great news. There are still opportunities to fight to hope. There has always been, and will always be, good news circulating in every season.

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Insights Summit Church Insights Summit Church

Sincerely, Surrender

I realized I was singing with ease words that cannot be taken lightly. The song was more sincere than I was, and I knew I needed to do something with that realization. The song had to become for me not a celebration of the way things are but a confession of the way things are not. It had to become a prayer—a way of asking for things to be as they ought.

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Resources Summit Church Resources Summit Church

Minor Prophets: Where Do They Fit In?

So why in the world are we spending an entire summer studying prophets from thousands of years ago? Hopefully, now that we are halfway through the summer, you aren’t asking that question anymore. If you are, this blog post won’t answer that question. But at this point in our series on the minor prophets, you might have some questions about the historical context for these prophets. So this blog post is my attempt to answer those questions better than Wikipedia would.

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Stories Summit Church Stories Summit Church

Certain in Faith

Ethan realized he couldn’t be perfect on his own. He needed Jesus. While he was still in middle school, he started talking about the duality in his life with his Surge leaders, which alleviated much of the stress and shame. His Connect group embraced his vulnerability, which fostered an environment of trust and openness. Being able to confess and discuss his thoughts and feelings lifted a burden off of Ethan, and it freed him up to start praying and really listening to God.

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Stories Summit Church Stories Summit Church

A Step and a Statement

…he began searching for answers. He started praying again. He prayed asking God if he’s really there and if he’s really listening. “It developed into, like, I’m talking to someone that I know,” Austin explains. God used Austin’s prayers to pick him up piece by piece.

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Worthy of Our Worship

In our study of Galatians, we have been looking at Paul’s defense of the gospel and his call to the believers in Galatia to not add anything—no rules, no laws, no additional steps—to their simple and profound faith in Jesus and in his death and resurrection. … I was reminded of the false gods that I and many believers that I know are tempted to serve again out of laziness, frustration, or just our plain self-centeredness.

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Insights Summit Church Insights Summit Church

Jesus Works Miracles

We asked a handful of artists at Summit—designers, painters, photographers, and writers—to take a simple prompt, “Jesus works miracles,” and to use their medium to express it. To take a truth about Jesus and use some of their God-given materials to share it with the world. Just as God uses his creation to reveal himself more fully to each of us, we, as image-bearers of God, can choose to use our creativity to show the world who he is.

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