If It Matters Here, It Matters There
Dan Taylor Dan Taylor

If It Matters Here, It Matters There

Recently, we got the chance to sit down with John Parker, Summit’s Local and Global Outreach Pastor, and what he had to say about our four upcoming trips to visit some of Summit’s global partners was inspirational. John’s insight into the importance and strategy of these key engagements reminded us how important this ongoing kingdom work in Kenya, Malawi, and Ethiopia is and how blessed we are to call Summit home.

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Summit Students in the DR
Expressions of Summit, Serve Globally Summit Church Expressions of Summit, Serve Globally Summit Church

Summit Students in the DR

Recently, we caught up with Chad Buel, Summit Lake Mary Student Minister, to get the scoop on Summit Students’ latest trip to the Dominican Republic. For years, our brave Student leaders have been taking groups of High Schoolers to Barahona, DR, to serve alongside our friends at Children of the Nations (COTN)—one of Summit’s strategic global partnership organizations. Chad said this particular trip was special, though.

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Growing Through Service

Growing Through Service

Recently, we caught up with some of our Student Ministry volunteers, Nathan and Alexis Meeks, two dedicated volunteers in our Student Ministry, who shared their stories of growth and impact. Over the years, they’ve poured their hearts into mentoring students, and this time has been particularly meaningful for them. Along the way, they got married and started a family, welcoming two daughters into the world, but their commitment to serving never wavered. Nathan and Alexis's journey is a testament to the transformative power of investing in others and the profound impact it can have in our lives.

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