Recently, we caught up with some of our Student Ministry volunteers, Nathan and Alexis Meeks, two dedicated volunteers in our Student Ministry, who shared their stories of growth and impact. Over the years, they’ve poured their hearts into mentoring students, and this time has been particularly meaningful for them. Along the way, they got married and started a family, welcoming two daughters into the world, but their commitment to serving never wavered. Nathan and Alexis's journey is a testament to the transformative power of investing in others and the profound impact it can have in our lives.

Alexis’ story with Summit Student Ministries actually started far, far away from Summit Orlando. Sometimes seeing God’s calling to be a part of someone else’s story takes stepping outside what’s immediately in front of us, and that’s exactly what happened when she went with Summit on a trip to Malawi, Africa.

“While there, we met with an organization that focuses on the young girls of the villages and heard stories about how much it meant to have mentors help them through their spiritual walk. I was so moved because it reminded me of when I was a teenager and had an older woman take time out of her life to care about me and share Jesus’ love.” Then, as if God planned it, on her first Sunday back, there was an ask from the stage for volunteers to help with Summit Student Ministries. Alexis said, “I knew at that moment that I had to get involved.”

Nathan was looking for ways to deepen his own connection with God, and when he began serving alongside Alexis, he began to see how that could be realized. Leading a group of students was a way he found to not only give back to his church but also be the hands and feet of Jesus tangibly. He said, “I know how important it is for students to have someone other than their immediate family to talk to about their faith and explore hard discussions.”

Alexis said that when she first started with her girl's group, “They struggled to put their phones down, not interrupt each other, and take the conversation seriously. But now, as seniors about to graduate, they are truly amazing young women who come consistently. They’re so focused I never even see their phones, and they drive the conversation themselves, asking questions of each other. It has been incredible to watch them grow in confidence and mature in their conversations and question-asking. They’ve truly made their faith their own.”

Now, these years of service didn’t come without their hurdles. Alexis said, “What’s been the most challenging part…is seeing students who stop coming. Especially at the high school age, as extracurriculars get busier, Sunday night youth group gets deprioritized...I’ve felt myself worry about them, but I’ve found solace in my faith in Christ—that He will never stop pursuing them. I’ve had to remind myself that I’m not personally responsible for their salvation and instead prayed that someone else enters their life that will continue to pour into them. Faith is a lifelong journey, and I’ve learned to trust that if those we don’t see on Sunday nights have stepped away, they will find Christ’s love again.”

When asked about his own struggles, Nathan explained, “The hard parts that come along with shaping young men, such as how to treat others, having actual serious discussions regarding important subjects, and healthily expressing your emotions, has been a tough challenge, to say the least.”

Even with these setbacks, though, both Nathan and Alexis agreed that the number of blessings has far outweighed any obstacles they faced. Alexis shared, “When I started serving with my group, I was single. Now, years later, I’m married with two daughters. God is up to something with putting girls on my heart—from those girls in Africa to the girls at Summit to now my own girls. I truly believe that serving these students is a part of preparing me for my motherhood journey. I just know there’s going to be a time when I have a high school-aged daughter, and I’ll think back to the conversations I’m having right now.”

Hearing our Student Ministers and other leaders teach on a regular basis played a part in deepening Nathan’s faith as well. “There have definitely been days that I’ve read the lesson, the questions we’d be discussing, and talking points from the message for the middle school students, and it hit me hard, realizing these are areas that I need to work on even in adulthood. I’ve learned that even though this is ‘youth ministry,’ the good news and teachings of Jesus are universal and applicable to all ages. It just looks different.”

When pouring into others’ lives, we don’t always get to see how far-reaching the impact is, but to that end, Alexis had this to say, “It’s hard for me to take any personal responsibility, but the combination of the other Edge leaders, and the Summit Student Ministry Staff has had a huge impact on the students we serve! In general, the environment that has been created on a Sunday evening for students to have fun while balancing real, vulnerable conversations is so amazing. These students will go from a competitive game of dodgeball to asking deep questions about faith, all within a couple of hours’ time. That has kept the students coming back, and those who have stuck through it have really grown and matured.”

Continuing on that same theme, Alexis brought up a special way she got to be a part of this group’s lives, “It was really amazing to watch them go through the college application process and see their faith play into it. Praying for acceptances, scholarship money, and then guidance on which school to choose. Many students choose schools for what is the cheapest, or what has the best sports teams, or which seems the coolest, but these girls prayerfully considered the options and looked to Jesus for answers. I’d like to think that being involved in student ministry through this time in their life helped impact those decisions.”

Ultimately, that’s what this is all about. When we give God our time and talents, he never ceases to find ways to bless those around us in lasting and significant ways. If you think being a part of someone else’s story through serving in Summit Student Ministries is your right next step, please don’t hesitate to reach out and make it known to some of our great ministry leaders. The Church is at its best when we are open to God’s call and willing to serve those he's given us to love.


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