Christmas Eve Offering: Love Made Visible

Christmas Eve Offering: Love Made Visible

Every year, on Christmas Eve, we dedicate our entire offering to an organization doing God-honoring work in our world. This year, we’ll be giving our offering to Love Made Visible, specifically to their Vineyard initiative that will provide housing and familial support for teens in foster care in the Central Florida area.

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Backpacks and Promises

Backpacks and Promises

If you’ve been around Summit for more than a year, you’ve likely seen our Backpack Drive promoted as we near the end of summer. Over the years, we’ve promoted the drive with fun videos and even heard firsthand testimony of how the drive has benefited lives. Most of us associate the mountains of backpacks that pile in the lobby with local schools and our ongoing commitment to supporting vulnerable children in Central Florida. What many people don’t know, though, is that some of these backpacks go to AFCO (Africans Family and Community Outreach)!

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Growing Through Service

Growing Through Service

Recently, we caught up with some of our Student Ministry volunteers, Nathan and Alexis Meeks, two dedicated volunteers in our Student Ministry, who shared their stories of growth and impact. Over the years, they’ve poured their hearts into mentoring students, and this time has been particularly meaningful for them. Along the way, they got married and started a family, welcoming two daughters into the world, but their commitment to serving never wavered. Nathan and Alexis's journey is a testament to the transformative power of investing in others and the profound impact it can have in our lives.

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Christmas Eve Offering
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Christmas Eve Offering

Commission 127 is a non-profit organization aimed at equipping churches to support foster, adoptive, and biological families in crisis. They helped us set up our own Family Advocacy Ministry, and we’ve only just begun to hear the stories of how our support teams are helping foster families in and around Summit. We’ve seen the fruit of their work first hand, and we believe they can do the same for other churches in our area. That’s why we want to take our support of this great organization a step further this year by making them the recipient of our annual Christmas Eve Offering.

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Stepping Into Opportunity
Orlando Summit Church Orlando Summit Church

Stepping Into Opportunity

niceSERVE is one of my favorite things we do at Summit because it so beautifully blends two things I am passionate about—service and connection. Watching people make friends and form new relationships because they happened to sign up for the same project is one of the great joys of my job.

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