Consistency is a Superpower

Consistency is a Superpower

If you’ve attended a service at Summit Orlando in the last decade, Barbara Cooper has likely been a part of your story whether you know it or not. As a member of our Worship Tech Team, Barbara has been running slides in our tech booth in the back of the sanctuary once or twice a month, consistently since 2012! She also has been coming in on Wednesday mornings for almost as long to load visuals and proofread lyric and scripture slides ahead of Sunday.

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Growing Through Service

Growing Through Service

Recently, we caught up with some of our Student Ministry volunteers, Nathan and Alexis Meeks, two dedicated volunteers in our Student Ministry, who shared their stories of growth and impact. Over the years, they’ve poured their hearts into mentoring students, and this time has been particularly meaningful for them. Along the way, they got married and started a family, welcoming two daughters into the world, but their commitment to serving never wavered. Nathan and Alexis's journey is a testament to the transformative power of investing in others and the profound impact it can have in our lives.

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Dreaming of Prayer
Featured, Insights Summit Church Featured, Insights Summit Church

Dreaming of Prayer

Each week, at the end of service, we hear our ministers say, "To the right of the stage, there will be volunteers that would love to pray with you...", and if you’ve ever lingered in the sanctuary after service, you’ve seen our Prayer Team in action. These are volunteers who faithfully show up and step into the stories of our congregation, meeting them where they are, ready to intercede.

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Disciples of Every Age
Base Camp, Featured, Insights, Latest Post Summit Church Base Camp, Featured, Insights, Latest Post Summit Church

Disciples of Every Age

Every week in Base Camp, kids and volunteers gather to connect with God and one another. It’s everything you’d expect to find in a high-energy children’s ministry environment. But what you see on a Sunday morning is just a snapshot of something much deeper and richer taking shape over time. Within Base Camp, a fabric of Christ-centered relationships is being woven each week across generational divides. Communities of volunteers, growing deeper in their own faith, walk alongside families through the ups and downs of life, serving kids who will move on to Surge and Edge and return to lead small groups of their own, guiding the ones who come after them.

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