A Reminder of God’s Grace

Every Sunday, a group of volunteers gathers inside the 33rd Street Jail to make services happen for our church family in this place.

It is an essentials-only Summit service out of necessity of the environment, but still follows the same format of worship and teaching—the same teaching that is shared at the other campuses. Each service starts with the explanation that Summit is a multisite church and an overview of the vision. Our vision is to form biblically functioning communities that reach lost people, connect in Christ-centered relationships, teach truth, serve others, and worship God. 

The 33rd Campus also participates in communion, baptism, and niceSERVE in their own unique ways. God is doing some great things, and we’re blessed to be able to be a part of that in both the men’s and women’s dorms at 33rd. 

This month marks five years since we’ve been holding church in the women’s side of the 33rd Street Jail. We are so thankful for the volunteers on Team 33rd who make church happen each week and for their heart for serving everyone in God’s kingdom. Here are some words from a few of these awesome women.

“Conveying that [the women of the 33rd Street Campus] are a real part of Summit’s church family is important. We emphasize that no one is counted out from being able to participate in that vision and how they are uniquely positioned to live it out while at 33rd. I think I’ve grown through this process just as much as many of them. It’s a strange thing to go into a jail every week, but it’s reminded me about God’s grace like no other experience I’ve ever had. When I was asked to lead worship for this campus a few years ago, I was very skeptical. I wanted to test it out before I committed, but that’s not how the badging process works*—I had to jump all the way in and trust that God would be able use me there. It’s not something I would’ve ever signed up for, but now I can’t imagine not doing it. The women at 33rd are incredible worshipers. I so admire their spirit. They sing at the top of their lungs, even if they have no idea how the song goes, because they aren’t trying to impress anyone. They are fully immersed in worshiping God for who he is and what he has done for them. A room of just a few women at 33rd sing louder than any other Summit service.” —Madison O.

*Volunteers are required to go through a process of background checks and several levels of approval prior to gaining access to enter as a volunteer with the 33rd Street Campus. Visiting or observing for a week or isn't allowed by the jail.

“Growing up, I was taught that life is black and white, right and wrong. That mindset ... continues to change through my experiences at 33rd. …  [I’m learning] we all have emotions, worries, joys, and a need to feel loved by God and by others. With my participation at 33rd, I'm now a little slower to judge decisions and a little more open to other walks of life. The way the 33rd services incorporate components of other Summit events (niceSERVE, communion, baptism, etc.) shows that 33rd is truly [more] than ... an outreach project. [A goal of mine is] trying to say ‘hello’ to each woman that walks by me as I am setting up the computer. It might be small, but I would like each of them to feel individually acknowledged.” —Carla S.

“Summit's vision of building biblically functioning communities is easily transferred to the jail. By continually linking the vision to the content of the messages, we can reinforce the bottom line—that they are the church to those around them. [We hope] that the women will engage, that we will connect at a heart level, and that they will feel seen, known, and loved by God and encouraged to be his hands and feet in their circumstances. A handful of women have come to Herndon, and there have been some ongoing relationships. But I think the biggest ‘win’ is how serving on Team 33rd has grown and shaped me, and probably others would say that as well.” —Karen B.

“Personally, I had a preconceived notion or prejudice of what the experience would be like and what I was told during the mandatory training. Because of that, I have experienced God’s grace inside of the walls of 33rd more than I have in other places. I see reminders monthly that God can use you anywhere and anytime. These women have taught me about faith and even been amazing Bible study teachers.” —Emily S.

“[We] connect in Christ-centered relationships by getting to share and pray with the women. We teach truth by listening to the sermon together. We serve others by showing up; the women at 33rd always seem genuinely appreciative of us coming to join them in worship. Our goals for each service include allowing God's Spirit to speak to each of us through the sermon and singing of songs. I am always amazed when the women respond (‘Amen!’) to things I did not expect. [We are] blessed with live music that can be hand-picked or changed as needed. The women are submitting their prayer requests weekly, knowing that people are praying and that God does hear. But I am most touched by the prayers they offer for Summit as a church and the ministries and outreaches we are involved with.” —Diana H.

If you’re interested in serving as a volunteer during services at the 33rd Street Campus, you can find information here.


First Drafts


It Must Be a Gift