God Doesn't Write Bad Endings
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God Doesn't Write Bad Endings

Each day that I show up and invite God in—with all my junk, with all my pain, with all my hopes, fears, dreams, memories, desires—matters. He will meet me. He knows me. And has known me. And knows you. And has known you. And he doesn’t write bad endings. And what we are seeing and remembering is just a taste of what’s to come.

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33rd Street, Insights Summit Church 33rd Street, Insights Summit Church

A Reminder of God’s Grace

November of 2019 marks five years since we’ve been holding church in the women’s side of the 33rd Street Jail. We are so thankful for the volunteers on Team 33rd who make church happen each week and for their heart for serving everyone in God’s kingdom. Here are some words from a few of these awesome women.

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Insights Insights

Think Fast

I have never been very good at the whole Lent thing—even though I’ve successfully given something up for Lent a number of times. Growing up in the Southern Baptist church, Lent wasn’t something I had any awareness of. So as a freshman in college, newly involved in a church that celebrated the season with the option of fasting from something, I remember being genuinely excited to try it.

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Use The Silence

I grew up Catholic, so the Lenten season is very familiar to me. I can recall many years trying to find something to give up, usually landing on chocolate or TV (because being in 2nd grade and not having chocolate is a real hard thing). For the past several years, since becoming a mom, I have tried to focus more on a specific spiritual practice to add into my life that will draw me closer to God rather than giving up something tangible.

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