Parent to Parent: Wisdom from the speaker series
Base Camp, Insights, Latest Post Summit Church Base Camp, Insights, Latest Post Summit Church

Parent to Parent: Wisdom from the speaker series

Parent to Parent:
Wisdom from the speaker series

As summer approaches, the school year comes to an end, and families prepare for more time spent together at home, how can parents find a healthy balance making time for themselves?

In the summers of 2019 and 2021, we had the privilege of sitting down with some folks we admire to ask them about their journeys in parenting. Following these interviews, we shared as much of the wisdom and goodness as possible through in-person gatherings called “Parent to Parent: A speaker series.”

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Parenting Through Seasons of Loss
Base Camp, Insights, Latest Post Summit Church Base Camp, Insights, Latest Post Summit Church

Parenting Through Seasons of Loss

Parenting Through Seasons of Loss

An interview with Joe and Keijo Bollinger

The past two years have been tumultuous for many families. Would you mind sharing a bit about what your family’s experience has been like?

JOE: For us, 2019 was new and exciting, our first year with no preschoolers—then the pandemic hit before the school year was over and we had all four of our children back at home for eighteen months. We don't have a house that allows for any extra space, so it was very disruptive.

KEIJO: Life has been so unpredictable, and I know it hasn’t been this way for everyone, but I can’t think of a single part of our lives that hasn’t been impacted. We’re constantly re-evaluating and trying to figure things out, and that hasn’t wrapped up for us yet. I’ve seen in me, and in others, that our capacity to handle stress has been squeezed.

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The Summer Bucket List
Base Camp Summit Church Base Camp Summit Church

The Summer Bucket List

If you’re anything like me, sometimes you look back and realize that you forgot (or more accurately, chose not) to dream—forgot (or chose not) to hope, seek joy, or even plan for moments of rest. But friends, dreaming is good. Even in the midst of strange, uncomfortable, and dark days, living with hope matters. I want to challenge you to consider one specific way to seek joy and plan for rest with your family this summer: I give you the SUMMER BUCKET LIST!

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Sibling Friendships: an Interview with O.J. and Rachael Aldrich
Base Camp Summit Church Base Camp Summit Church

Sibling Friendships: an Interview with O.J. and Rachael Aldrich

In the past year, my own kids have spent a significant amount of time squabbling over toys and snacks… And it’s made me wonder, what small things could we integrate into our daily lives that would yield a future friendship? I voiced this question to my Base Camp staff team, and the immediate response was: Talk to O.J. and Rachael Aldrich. So I did!

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One Team: an Interview with Eddy & Giselle Moratin
Base Camp Summit Church Base Camp Summit Church

One Team: an Interview with Eddy & Giselle Moratin

"We all experience the craziness of life, and need a chance to stop and intentionally think about the coming year. This planning process helps you lay a firm foundation so you can be a more level-headed parent. We can make decisions about time, people, and money when we’re in a good, emotionally healthy place; not stressed out on a Tuesday night... This gives us a fighting chance."

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A Year of Hope
Base Camp Summit Church Base Camp Summit Church

A Year of Hope

On January 12th, 2020 - after 70 months of praying and hoping and waiting to become a mother - I got the call that changed everything. “There’s a birth mother who has picked you and Jake. And she’s having a boy. And she’s in Texas. And she’s in labor right now.” Safe to say, 2020 got off to a real strong start for my husband, Jake, and me.

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Thanksgiving: an Interview with Elizabeth Cronlund
Base Camp Summit Church Base Camp Summit Church

Thanksgiving: an Interview with Elizabeth Cronlund

I believe that small changes in our homes, especially when our children are young, can open them up to a new way of thinking. We don’t have to do things the way we’ve always done them, and Thanksgiving can be more than a commercial holiday. It can be a meaningful celebration of community, interdependence, kindness, sharing, stewardship, cultural differences, and so much more.

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The Family I Imagined
Base Camp Summit Church Base Camp Summit Church

The Family I Imagined

When my husband and I were blessed with our sweet daughter, Isabel Bea, we were on our way to the family I had always envisioned. We planned to wait two years, maybe three, until we had our next child. But as we began trying to conceive again, it wasn’t as easy as the first time.

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True Sabbath Rest
Base Camp Summit Church Base Camp Summit Church

True Sabbath Rest

We’ve adapted and settled into new routines this year, but I’ve continued to struggle with finding rest. And, as a parent of young kids, I’ve felt the absence of in-person church services keenly. As I’ve watched Lauren and her husband, Mark, move through this season, deep in the preschool years just like us, I’ve grown more and more curious about their weekly Sabbath. What Lauren shared resonated so deeply with the ache I’ve been feeling in this year full of unknowns and exhaustion. And I can’t wait to share it with you...

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Made New
Base Camp Summit Church Base Camp Summit Church

Made New

When we had our first daughter, I expected that my new role as a parent would be hard and exhausting. But I was surprised at how deeply I struggled in that first year. I felt like the very fibers of me were unraveling, exposing every single imperfection. As much as I wanted to chalk it up to being only a few months postpartum, I knew it was more than that.

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The Last "First Day"
Base Camp Summit Church Base Camp Summit Church

The Last "First Day"

Though we reached the end of a season, this last first day won’t truly be the last for Emma. As I wonder what lies ahead for her, I can’t help but reflect on the many first days I’ve already had alongside those yet to come: the first day of college, of grad school, of marriage, of motherhood… the first day of work, of caring for an elderly parent, and eventually the first day of learning to live without parents when they pass on. The constant in all of the first days is God. He redeems all the ugly of uncertainty for my good, though I can only see it clearly in hindsight.

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Racial Justice Children's Book Recommendations
Base Camp Summit Church Base Camp Summit Church

Racial Justice Children's Book Recommendations

As parents, there are ways we can model and teach anti-racism to our kids, and children’s literature can be a powerful tool. The following books are ones we’ve read and recommend specifically as you talk with your children about individual and institutional racism. As children of God, we want to take a stand against injustice in all its forms and raise kids who will do the same.

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